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What is the Cause of Endometriosis?

The cause of endometriosis is still unknown. One theory is that during menstruation some of the menstrual tissue backs up through the fallopian tubes into the abdomen, where it implants and grows. Another theory suggests that endometriosis may be a genetic process or that certain families may have predisposing factors to endometriosis. In the latter view, endometriosis is seen as the tissue development process gone awry.

According to the theory of traditional chinese medicine, endometriosis is a disease which is caused by the stagnation of blood. Blood stagnation may occur due to one or more abortions or lower abdominal or pelvic surgeries. Additionally, engaging in sexual intercourse during menstruation may very likely over time cause blood stagnation. Emotional trauma, severe stress, physical or emotional abuse can all lead to the stagnation of blood. Additionally, diet may be a precipitating factor. The constant, long term ingestion of cold foods can congeal blood and thus contribute to the stagnation thereof. Cold foods include raw vegetable, ices, ice cream, ice in drinks, frozen yogurt, etc. Remember, cold congeals. Think about what happens to a normal glass of water when put in the freezer. It turns to ice. The blood is affected similarly. That is to say, it congeals, doesn’t flow smoothly and can form endometrial adhesions, chocolate cysts, uterine fibroids. Whatever the cause of endometriosis, its progression is influenced by various stimulating factors such as hormones or growth factors. In this regard, investigators are studying the role of the immune system in activating cells that may secrete factors which, in turn, stimulate endometriosis.

Source: Acupuncture Arlington Heights IL